Thursday, 28 May 2015

Dreams and Shadows by C. Robert Cargill

A bit of a modern fairy tale, a dark story of two boys (one a human, one a fairy) who get swapped at birth and end up rivals. Then a third boy enters with a genie and it all goes a bit pear-shaped.

Definitely a novel of two halves, the first was quite slow, setting the stories up without them seeming to relate to each other at all. The second half was much better, lots of action but still very. very dark.

We enjoyed the mythology and the extracts from the text book telling us the history of fairies to help explain some aspects of the storyline.

We would all recommend this book and would all read this author again (useful as the sequel to this one came out in March!).

Marks out of 10:
Jen - 5
Lisa - 7
Gill - 6

Average = 6/10

Susie chose the next book, The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell which we'll read for the July meeting.

Next meeting is at Susie's house and we'll be changing the date for this one as Susie can't do the usual Wednesday.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Before I Go To Sleep by SJ Watson

We all enjoyed this book, we found the writing and characters gripped us as the storyline unfolded and we wouldn't mind seeing the film (which came out in September 2014).

There were a few loose ends. what happened with Dr Nasch's paper? It seemed all important to him but was never mentioned at the end.

How did Christine escape the fire? Why was it so easy for Mike to walk out of the hospital with Christine?

We would all recommend this book.

Marks out of 10
Lisa: 8
Kate: 8
Gill: 8
Jen: 9

Average score: 8/10

The next book was chosen by Kate and will be The Martian by Andy Weir, Susie will be hosting the May meeting.