Thursday 12 February 2009

Starting a book group

To give you a bit of background, I attended my first book group in 2004 when I moved to a new town and didn't know anyone. They had their own website which I found one day and were very welcoming. It seemed that everyone in the entire village was part of this group and I met some wonderful people, read some wonderful books and even got a holiday to Cornwall out of it!

When I moved away (again) I started my own group with a bunch of friends which was great and lasted about a year before people started getting too busy and meetings were pushed further and further apart. So we decided to call it a day and now that book group (would you call it an ex-book group?) meets every month or so to have a girlie evening out which is great.

So, I've decided to take the plunge again and start a new book group from scratch. I advertised on a book group website and got quite a few replies, it seems Reading is calling out for a new book group! I also asked some of my friends who'd either been part of the last book group or had expressed an interest and we suddenly have 9 people.

We're currently trying to decide when the first meeting will be via a very cool tool where we will decide on how the group is going to be run, when, where and also which books to read.

I'm planning on keeping this blog updated with what our current and next book will be and also give a summary of the discussion from the meeting so anyone can join in. It's also going to be useful for members who can't make the meeting and I welcome comments on posts as a way of expanding the discussion even further.

Happy reading!

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